Monday, June 6, 2016


hey everyone! 

the days are flying by sooo fast that this whole week is just a blur to me. but we are enjoying every minute, finding lots of awesome people, and having so much fun. we are seriously in an area of miracles. we get to the house everyday just SO grateful because even on the hardest days, we see amazing things.
its getting suuuper cold.
but when we are feeling bad for ourselves and our frozen, wind burned faces, we just think of the pioneers and remember that we dont have it all that bad and keep on going! 
Potosi is known for its huge mine.. I've wanted to take a tour inside of it since I got here but nobody wanted to go.. well haha this week we talked the zone into it and realized why nobody wanted to go before. it was actually pretty cool, but we saw lots of weird things and beliefs.. also a few super claustrophobic moments cause like there are parts that you pretty much have to get on your knees and crawl.. I was just telling myself to breathe and praying that we would get out alive. definitely a one time thing, but a cool experience!

well not sure what else to say...

have a great week! love you all!
Hna Andersen