It has been an adventure of a week! my companion is finishing up her mission so we are making the rounds on Pday to say bye to all the people she has gotten close to.. On monday we went to a family that has a bee farm and sells honey for a living. They were getting ready to open one of the boxes and I got the brilliant idea that I wanted to experience it. so I talked my companion into it, and they gave us suits for our top half and told us ´´dont worry, they dont sting your legs.´´ BIGGEST LIE EVER. we lasted a whole 30 seconds with the box open before they went straight to our legs and started stinging us like crazy! hahaha we dropped everything and ran as far away as possible. we each had at least 20 stings and we thought we were going to die because it hurt soo bad! they told us ´´we´re really sorry, we´ve never seen them react like this!´´ Our legs swelled up and we were waddling for a good 3 days and they continue to itch us like crazy! haha we bought every thing that could possibly help from the farmacy but there is really nothing that helped.. lets just say I never want to see another bee in my life!
we are continuing to find amazing people in this area, yesterday we found a family that is part member. the wife is inactive and the husband assisted a lot when he was a teenager but never got the chance to be baptized and he told us ´´I know that this is the true church, sometimes life just gets in the way.¨´ it was seriuolsy a miracle to find them and its amazing to see how Heavenly Father puts people like that in our path every single day!
I hope you are all doing well and got to go to a rodeo this week ;) On pioneer day I was reading President Uchtdorf´s message about how much we can learn from the pioneers and their courage to keep moving forward even through all the hard times. even as there spouses and children were dying they were singing ´´all is well!´´ Ive been thinking a lot about that this week and how even in the harderst of times we can look at the blessings that surround us, put our trust in Heavenly Father, and sing ¨all is well!´´ Attitude really is so much and the way we look at the trials we are faced with can change everything!
love you all!